Best Ayurvedic Medicine ForDepression: Keep Your Mind Peaceful And Healthy

Manovasada’ is the term for depression in ayurvedic text, which is caused due to vitiation of doshas. The main dosha vitiated in case of depression is Kaphadosha. Further, the change in the brain’s electrochemistry is encouraged by Vatadosha, which leads to a loss of enzymatic activity in the metabolism i.e. it leads to an imbalance in Pitta dosha. Thus, vitiation of all three doshas leads to heaviness, darkness, anxiety, stress, feeling of hopelessness, and sadness i.e. depression. Although treating Depression is not a piece of cake, it can be treated by root if you approach the SreePrathamaAyurvedam hospital. It provides the Best Ayurvedic Medicine for Depression based on your specific condition.

While managing the condition of depression, it is important to note that it has to be eliminated from the root cause. So, the doctors at SreePrathamaAyurvedam hospital balance the vitiated doshaswith various treatments and medicines. Unlike other treatment procedures that jump straight to symptom management, pros here address the rootcause of the disease. Their ayurvedictreatment for depression has proved to achieve a cure and symptom-free state.

At SreePrathamaAyurvedam, doctors provide ayurvedic anxiety treatment in Somajiguda very calmly as they understand the state of depression and how they ignite self-esteem and self-confidence in depressed patients. Along with potent ayurvedic medicines and treatments, they provide a balanced diet and lifestyle schedule to their patients, which is good for a peaceful and healthy mind.

Also, their ayurveda treatments are customized for every patient after detailed consultation based on the patient’s condition and strength.

If you need any kind of help, feel free to call them at 9989759719.After getting to know your symptoms and feeling, they will provide you with a proper solution for healthy and happy living.


  1. Thank you for sharing this useful information. The Ayurvedic treatment in Chennai offer various types of massages and therapies, such as Abhyanga (full-body oil massage), Shirodhara (oil pouring on the forehead), Swedana (herbal steam therapy), and more. These therapies aim to relax the body, relieve stress, and balance doshas.


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