Best Ayurvedic Medicine ForDepression: Keep Your Mind Peaceful And Healthy

Manovasada’ is the term for depression in ayurvedic text, which is caused due to vitiation of doshas. The main dosha vitiated in case of depression is Kaphadosha. Further, the change in the brain’s electrochemistry is encouraged by Vatadosha, which leads to a loss of enzymatic activity in the metabolism i.e. it leads to an imbalance in Pitta dosha. Thus, vitiation of all three doshas leads to heaviness, darkness, anxiety, stress, feeling of hopelessness, and sadness i.e. depression. Although treating Depression is not a piece of cake, it can be treated by root if you approach the SreePrathamaAyurvedam hospital. It provides the Best Ayurvedic Medicine for Depression based on your specific condition. While managing the condition of depression, it is important to note that it has to be eliminated from the root cause. So, the doctors at SreePrathamaAyurvedam hospital balance the vitiated doshaswith various treatments and medicines. Unlike other treatment procedures that jump straight to...